Feeling pretty good today. No side effects from yesterday's Rituxan. Or if there were I slept them off yesterday afternoon.

Went to yoga this morning to get my head in the right place for today. It was supposed to be a gentle class, Yin Yoga, or atleast it sounded like one. I was sweating within the first five minutes. All those toxins from yesterday coming out maybe.

Came home and made a cauliflower pizza. Still working out some kinks, but I really like it.

Now I'm just relaxing before going into the hospital for the first time. I jave a 4:15 check-in today.

I brought a bunch of books, magazines, and my computer but I'm starting to wonder if I'll feel healthy enough to need any of it.

When I first started R-CHOP I'd bring stuff to pass the time. By the end I just brought my iPad to use in the waiting room because I'd get so messed up from the Benadryl they gave me that I'd either sleep through the treatment or listen to music and veg out. Who knows what they're going to give me today.

Allergies are still bothering me. Not as bad as yesterday but they're not helping things.

Guess that's it for now. Will have plenty more to write about soon I bet.
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