I decided not to fight the snooze button today. If my body wants sleep I'll give it sleep. I set the alarm for 9:30 but turned it off. Got out of bed feeling pretty good at 10. Not as lively as I was last week, but better than the past few days. Today's my last day on Prednisone. When I tell people I'm taking 100mg a day they assume I'm bouncing off the walls with energy. Guess that's a testament to how weak and tired the chemo makes me because I am definitely not full of energy. DW says he's only been up to 60mg, you have to know DW, but that really drives the point home. I saw him at the office today where he also shared a story about a friend who had NHL, had beaten it and was 2 weeks from going back to work when he got the flu. They couldn't get his fever under control and he passed away. Could've gone without that story. I've been pretty safe, but I've definitely put myself in some situations that maybe I should have avoided. On the other hand you can't live your life scared to leave the house.

Today I went to the Hackensack Cancer Center to make sure they'd gotten the paperwork they needed for me to take classes there. They hadn't. So the lady at reception made some calls and sent some emails for me to see if anyone had gotten the paperwork. I left and went to Lowes to buy an air conditioner. Stopped by my Dads house to look for the paperwork, turns out he had it at the office. That's how I wound up there. Dropped the paperwork by the cancer center on the way home, figured I was too late for the 2pm class, but the teacher was just walking in so I got to take the class. Nobody else showed up at first so we had this one on one class. I felt a little uncomfortable at first but was able to get into it. The lady that was teaching was very sweet. If I had to guess she didn't have any kind of certification and I think she said she'd only been doing yoga for 3 years but whatever. She wanted to help other people and I enjoyed the class. I wouldn't have stretched for an hour at home by myself. Halfway through an older man came in. He was a bit confused (in general I think) and stood out like a sore thumb in a yoga class (he was wearing suspenders, a yamaca, slacks, and a tucked in button down shirt) but he was trying something new so you gotta give him credit.

It's 5:30 now, I don't know what I want to do but I don't want to sit in front of the tv anymore. I'm running out of ideas of things to do with my time. I guess I'll try to do some reading.
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